Not easy, but we’re up and flying.

We began at the beginning of the year, pre Covid and officially launched on 5th of June, World environment day.

Well, a launch takes a lot of effort. We had a nice splash in Campaign magazine then got our little legs paddling like fury and powered up our wings to gain just enough momentum to lift us off the water.

How? We’ve been immersed in lots of interesting discussions, pitches, webinars, projects and partnership opportunities.  

In line with our mission, the common theme has been responsible business, covering sustainability and social good, whilst still producing commercial returns.

In a nutshell; breakthrough ideas that are radical and responsible.

• Advising a green energy and sustainability company on brand positioning and go to market strategy.
• Generating innovative creative ideas for a breakthrough insurance business.
• Working with an investment firm on migrating from a classic to a progressive portfolio model.
• Pitching to develop a creative platform for a global inter-governmental organisation working in the food and agriculture sector
• Developing a creative campaign designed to bring people and businesses back into the West End of London, and selling it in successfully to a multi-stakeholder promotional organisation.
• Advising a brilliant charity using music and creativity to shape exciting futures for young people living in tough urban areas, and sharpening up their brand and messaging.
We’ve also sought advice on our offer from the AAR. We’ve found a trusted production partner, Heads Up Production, with a similar philosophy and great skills, to bring some of these creative ideas to life. And we’ve lined up a state of the art digital and innovation partnership. Not bad for a start-up battling through a pandemic!
We’ve also been learning as much as we can about all aspects of sustainability and responsible business. We’ve taken part in two excellent online Responsible Business conferences run by Reuters Events. 

We’ve heard about great case studies and best practice examples from organisations such as Unilever, P&G, L’Oreal, IKEA, Lafarge, Velux, and Blackrock. And we have learned from other amazing organisations such as Carbon Disclosure Project, Ellen Macarthur Foundation, National Geographic, UN, and WBCSD, about how to bring diverse stakeholders together to get things done, and measure progress. We’ve also participated in several workshops on how to make food supply chains more sustainable. 

We now know a lot more, but also realise how much there is still to learn, and how no one organisation can solve problems on their own.

As you notice, swans fly as a team, together.
That’s it for now. If any of this news sparks ideas for projects or collaboration, then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.




‘No-one can do everything. But everyone can do something.’